Comparison of cities
Vienna or Hamburg - Hamburg or Vienna?
Well, one thing is for certain, both cities are amazing and not only a lot to offer but also a lot in common!
Viennna’s Danube island / Hamburgs Entenwerder
These two man made island (halves) provide an optimal view of the water.
Viennas Conchita Wurst / Hamburgs Olivia Jones
So queer, so good: Two embassadores for two colourful cities.
Hamburg’s Alsterwasse / Vienna’s Gespritzter
Hamburg’s mixed drinks are a bit more bitter - but both can be enjoyed at noon.
Vienna’s Eitrige / Hamburg’s Labskaus
Two local specialities following the logic of “eyes shut and go for it”: No one quite knows the ingredients.
Vienna’s Ring / Hamburg’s Speicherstadt
Best places for strolling: The centrally located world heritage sites are perfect for discovery by foot.
Hamburg’s Bismarck / Vienna’s Lueger
Our opinion: Monuments for racists should be abolished - in every city.
Hamburg’s Ohlsdorf cemetery / Vienna’s central cemetery
Two of the largest and prettiest cemeteries in Europe - a walk here is like time travel.
Vienna’s Danube channel / Hamburg’s Hinterkiez
Small bars and clubs meet a lively art scene. Nice places to hang out, but be careful when sitting down in the dark.
Vienna’s DC Towers / Hamburg's Elbtower
Higher and higher: As of 2014 Vienna has a new tallest building - in Hamburg they’re still working on it.
Hamburg’s 3 Superbudes / Vienna’s 1 Superbude
Ahem, clear throat, we’re also here: With the houses in Hamburg’s districts of St. Georg, St. Pauli, and Altona as well as the new Bude at Vienna’s Prater.
Quick Facts
city area (in km2)
Vienna: 414 in km2 Hamburg: 755 in km2
Population (on 2 legs) (people)
Vienna: 1,91 M Hamburg: 1,85 M
Population (4 legs) (dogs)
Vienna: 55,649 Hamburg: 79,705