The rooms & the b&b hotel

At a bed and breakfast, you find two things: a bed and breakfast. At Superbude you can stay in rooms ranging from double (also suitable for single use) up to six-bed rooms. The rooms contain everything you need to have a good night sleep. The rooms have ensuite bathrooms with towels, a heating lamp and our Dailysoap. 

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Just wake up and if you feel like eating well meet you there – we have it all ready by 7am and you can eat as much as you want until noon.

There is a room for every combination of travel-group, a breakfast for any taste preferences and an open door for everyone!

Lifestyle Superbude Hotel Hostel Hamburg 74

Breakfast at Superbude

Whoever wants to have breakfast at our b&b hotels in Hamburg does not have to register at the front desk because we already considered you so you can choose spontaneously whether you want to enjoy the buffet or not. 

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The buffet has all it takes for a good start tot he day, bread, cold cuts, homemade dips, waffles, fruit, and eggs. Coffee and cold juices are also included in the price of 16 €.
The breakfast starts at 7am and you can eat until noon.

Superbude Hotel Hostel Lifestyle Hamburg Urlaub Reisen Ubernachtung 26



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