Artist in Residence "Imaginary Patterns" - Kristina Kapeljuh
Bei unserem Artist in Residence Programm ziehen über mehrere Wochen die unterschiedlichsten Künstler:innen in unser Atelier ein. Hier haben sie Zeit und Raum, sich von der Muse namens Prater küssen zu lassen, neue Ideen zu spinnen und Projekte zu realisieren. Wir legen uns dabei nicht fest, welche Disziplinen die Künstler:innen mitbringen - wir haben nämlich Bock auf jegliche Disziplinen, von Musik über Literatur bis zu Malerei: Der Vorstellungskraft sollen keine Grenzen gesetzt werden, sie sollen gebrochen werden – mehrfach! Heute stellt Euch Kristina Kapeljuh ihren Aufenthalt bei uns vor.

I came to Vienna with a vague idea for the mural that was useless. City, Superbude’s community, language, and the Danube have changed my perception completely. And I am very grateful that residency provided an opportunity to embody my artistic ideas. I had complete artistic freedom.
It is hard to shape in words the moment of accidental discovery - the mermaid among old silent passages on Vienna’s hidden streets with cinnamon light illuminating the fountain. At that moment, I knew that the drawing would be a pale shadow of experience if I tried to represent the mermaid figuratively. And her face (that I overdrew at least five times) became petals of subjectivity, beauty hidden in the eye of the beholder. Although Danube’s mermaid is the key to the mural, multiple elements affected the final work. Danube’s delta flora has transformed into an arch for the Atelier. Superbude’s constellation of never accomplished patterns has inspired the design choices of both murals. All holistic engagement with the city has contributed to the painting. I enjoyed talking to the hotels’ crew while discovering the language and absolutely beautiful coffee (honestly, it is a musttry at Superbude). I had the privilege to see vivid orange sunsets and sunrises from the Atelier. At Superbude, I felt in a warm community and comfortable as if at home. I fell in love immediately and very much hope to come to Superbude again!

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Artist in Residence "Imaginary Patterns" - Dana von Suffrin

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Artist in Residence "Imaginary Patterns" - Elena Rabkina

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